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About Hekman Library

Library Statistics

Collection Strengths: The library collects broadly and deeply in most traditional liberal arts disciplines. Theology, Religion, American and English literature, and Philosophy are the library's strongest collections. Within theology, the library collects exhaustively in Reformed theology and Calvinism.

Collection Statistics as of June 30, 2023

Book Titles (Print)* 539,149 Excludes bound journal volumes
Book Titles (Electronic)* 581,540  
Bound Journal Volumes 124,462  
Journal Titles (Print)* 5,793  
Journal Titles (Electronic)* 111,005 Includes journals accessible through research databases
Physical Media Titles* 101,081 Includes microforms, audiovisual, maps
Paid Databases 41 this is the number as of July 17, 2023
Locally Created Databases 5  
Total Databases 232 this is the number as of Jan 30, 2024
TOTAL COLLECTION 1,338,568 All items marked with an asterisk (*)


Special Collections as of May 1, 2022

Media 18,405 Provides audio visual media for all academic departments, the Calvin community, and guests.
Children's Literature 7,861 Includes many Newbery, Caldecott, and Printz winners
Curriculum Collection 29,584 Supports the Education Department's curriculum
Government Documents 213,542 All formats
Heritage Hall (Archives)

4,228 (cataloged volumes) 

4,892 (archival records)  

Meeter Center for Calvin Studies 10,362  
Ministry Resource Center 13,818  
Rare Books & Journals 10,273  



Research Inquiries 1,717 All one-on-one research encounters
Classes Taught 55 Includes class sessions in the library
Interlibrary Loan Sent 11,421 Includes MeLCat
Interlibrary Loan Received 4,163 Includes MeLCat
Circulation 103,172 Includes renewals
Ebook Usage 294,509 COUNTER BR2 only (as of June 30, 2019)
Ejournal Usage 231,300 COUNTER JR1 (as of June 30, 2019)


Staff (FTE)

Librarians 7.5  
Professional and Support Staff 7.8  
Students (FTE) 8.2 1 FTE equals 2000 hours



Study Spaces 1037 Includes tables, carrels, study rooms
Square Footage 125,000 Includes all five floors
Open Hours 83 Typical week
Gate Counts 11,095 Typical week, entrances only