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Librarian-curated research guide for Kinesiology resources.

Books on Faith and Exercise Science

Sport, Faith, Life
Sports and Christianity
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Sport: how Calvinism and capitalism shaped America's games
Sport and the Christian Religion
Every Body Mattters: Strengthening Your Body to Strengthen Your Soul
Why Sports Morally Matter

Recommended Databases

Recommended Journals

Journal of the Christian Society for Kinesiology, Leisure, and Sport Studies
Journal of Disability and Religion
Journal of Religion and Health
Journal of Sport and Social Issues
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
Journal of Religion and Popular Culture

Search terms to try:

Try the search terms below to engage with the concepts of health, physical education and faith. They can be used to search the Hekman Library catalog or research databases. Add the words "Religious aspects" or "Moral and ethical aspects" to your primary search terms. You will narrow your search tremendously. 

  • Exercise -- Religious aspects -- Christianity.
  • Health – Religious aspects
  • Physical fitness – Religious aspects
  • Physical fitness – Moral and ethical aspects
  • Physical education and training  -- Religious aspects
  • Sports -- Religious aspects 
  • Sports -- Moral and ethical aspects
  • Health and religion
  • Athletes - Prayers and devotions
  • Athletes -- Religious life.
  • Christian athletes

Spirituality and Health bibliographies
