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COMM141: Visual Rhetoric

Class research guide for COMM141: Visual Rhetoric, curated by your liaison librarian

Selected Books at Hekman

Behavior Theory in Health Promotion Practice and Research
Communicating about Health
Silent Victories: the History and Practice of Public Health in Twentieth-Century America
The Gale Encyclopedia of Public Health
Essentials of Visual Communication
The SAGE Handbook of Persuasion
Environmental Communication Pedagogy and Practice
Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere
The Psychology of Pro-Environmental Communication

Library Catalog Search Tips

Try the catalog's subject headings to help you find relevant books.

For general books on visual rhetoric:

For health topics:

For environmental problems, try: 

Using the word "aspects" can also sometimes help you differentiate facets of a topic in your search.  For example:

  • Social aspects
  • Psychological aspects
  • Health aspects