Explore databases connected to Health and Medicine.
CINAHL Database provides the top nursing and allied health literature available, including over 5,300 nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses Association. In addition, CINAHL Database has health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, audiovisuals, book chapters, legal cases, research instruments, and clinical trials. Not only is it an authoritative, specialized nursing resource, it is equipped with powerful search tools, including the CINAHL Subject Headings thesarus, which follows a similar structure to the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) system. This database covers sources dating from 1937 to present day.
The surge of academic, professional and personal interest in the field of physical education has resulted in a huge volume of scholarly and trade literature. Since 1970 Sports Medicine & Education Index has been covering this vast collection of material. Records are indexed and classified from peer-reviewed journals, report literature, conference proceedings, trade magazines, patents, articles from the popular press, and many other publications.
Sports Medicine & Education Index allows all researchers and professionals in the field to acquire accurate and scholarly information in this comprehensive database. These abstracts feature a wide variety of content, ranging from physical education curricula, to sports medicine, to dance. Other coverage includes sport law, kinesiology, motor learning, recreation, standardized fitness tests, sports equipment, business and marketing, coaching and training, and sport sociology/psychology. Health education and physical therapy are also covered as they continue to become more prevalent in our society.
Subject Coverage
Motor Learning
Patents (that pertain to sporting goods and exercise equipment)
Physical Education
Physical Fitness
Physical Therapy
Sport Activities
Sport Psychology
Sport Sociology
Sports Medicine
Teaching Methods
Use research databases in Business or Communication for topics in Sport Management.
Some research databases (e.g., JSTOR or Project Muse) cover only scholarly or peer-reviewed journals, but most include a mix of scholarly and other types of articles (popular, industry, news).
Those databases that have wider coverage typically offer the option for you to narrow your search to scholarly, academic, or peer-reviewed (or refereed) journals. Look under "limit to" or "narrow results" in the basic or advanced search screens.