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Medieval Studies

Librarian-curated research guide for Medieval Studies resources.

Recommended Reference Sources

Dictionary of the Middle Ages
Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages
The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages
Lexikon Des Mittel Alters
Dictionnaire de Theologie Catholique
Medieval England
Medieval France
Medieval Germany
Medieval Iberia
Medieval Italy
Medieval Scandinavia
The New Cambridge Medieval History
Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church

Special Resource: Print Bibliographies

You may be familiar with creating bibliographies for your papers - every good scholarly project includes a bibliography, or list of works and resources referred to in the project, providing an account of where all your information came from. Bibliographies are so useful that sometimes they are created for a subject and published all by themselves, to help scholars locate good sources. Click through this box to see some of the bibliographies in this library, that have been printed and published all about Medieval Studies.

Recommended Web Sources

Need some introductory info?

Youtube Video - How to Get Started with Online Encyclopedias