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Librarian-curated research guide for Philosophy resources.

New Books for Philosophy

When Bad Thinking Happens to Good People
On Being and Becoming: an existentialist approach to life
The Philosophy of Envy
Buddhism as philosophy
Rousseau, Nietzsche, and the image of the human
How to do things with emotions

Tips for Searching

Subject headings can offer a more accurate and comprehensive way of searching than keyword searching. Subject headings are often found on the side of search results or within a book or article record (summary).

Sample subject searches from our catalog:

Remember, you could try searching for a philosopher's name, either as Subject (for works written about the philosopher) or as Author (for works written by the philosopher), you could try philosophy of a certain geographic area or subtopics or fields within philosophy

Special Resource: Reviews of New Philosophy Books

Want to stay up-to-date on the most current books coming out for Philosophy?  Check out these book review sources:

Looking for ebooks?

Youtube Video - How to Search for Ebooks