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Preaching: A CEP Guide

Librarian-curated guide to Preaching resources and info from the Center for Excellence in Preaching

New Books for Preaching

The five phases of leadership
Teamwork cross-culturally
Preaching life-changing sermons
Before we forget
the call for soul care
Humor us! Preaching and the power of the comic spirit

Looking for Commentaries?

We have a separate guide just for Bible Commentaries, which you can explore for more extended recommendations. We also suggest you take a look at these and other commentary surveys to get you started - these reference sources list and review different commentaries, providing you with important information about the doctrinal perspectives and subject focuses guiding different series.

Special Collection: Ministry Resource Center (MRC)

Looking for ebooks?

Follow these instructions to find ebooks through the library's Primo discovery tool, or ask a librarian for more help anytime.