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Librarians by Subject
Discipline or Program Contact Person
Asian Studies Francene Lewis
Biology Amanda Matthysse
Business Katherine Swart
Chemistry and Biochemistry Amanda Matthysse
Communication Sarah Kolk
Computer Science David Malone
Dutch Francene Lewis
Economics Katherine Swart
Education Katherine Swart
Engineering David Malone
English Sarah Kolk
French Francene Lewis
Gender Studies Sarah Kolk
Geology Geography & Environmental Studies Amanda Matthysse
German Francene Lewis
History Gina Bolger
Kinesiology Francene Lewis
Mathematics and Statistics Katherine Swart
Nursing/Medicine     Amanda Matthysse
Philosophy Sarah Kolk
Physics and Astronomy David Malone
Political Science Katherine Swart
Psychology Gina Bolger
Public Health Amanda Matthysse
Religion Jeff Lash
Social Work     Gina Bolger
Sociology Gina Bolger
Spanish Francene Lewis
Speech Pathology Amanda Matthysse
Visual and Performing Arts (Music, Art) Sarah Kolk