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Hekman Library Users and Communities

University Students

This Is Your Library! Hekman Library has everything you need to make your college career a success! If you're new to the academic library world, don't worry - there's an entire staff here dedicated to welcoming and assisting you. 

Ready to Get Connected? Explore our library guide for new Calvin University students, with all the info and resources you need to get started.

Access for University Users: Remember these tips when it comes to accessing library materials at Hekman:

  • Check-out: All you need is your Calvin ID to check out items from the library; bring them to the circulation desk and remember to return them by their due date. Most general collection materials from Hekman can be borrowed by University students for 2 weeks with unlimited renewals (for more information on loan periods for special collection items, see our Borrowing page). 
  • Login: When logging into your library account and Hekman databases, just use your Calvin username and passphrase to authenticate.

Seminary Students

Hekman is Here for You! Regardless of distance or location, you can always get access to seminary research resources and assistance from Hekman librarians via email, telephone, or live chat.

Ready to Explore Hekman? Use this library guide for seminary students to see more info and recommended resources for your studies.

Access for Seminary Users: There are a few differences for Seminary students when it comes to accessing library materials at Hekman.

  • Check-out: All you need is your Seminary ID to check out items from the library; bring them to the circulation desk and remember to return them later by their due date. Most general collection materials from Hekman can be borrowed by seminary students for 6 weeks with unlimited renewals (for more information on loan periods for special collection items, see our Borrowing page).
  • Login: You can log in to your library account by using your Populi username and password. To login to databases, use your barcode numbers as both username and passphrase. These are usually 13- or 14-digits long. (See this FAQ for tips if you don't have a physical card.)

Faculty & Staff

Your Partners in Research! Hekman's research librarians are here to help you and your students succeed - great resources await you here to enhance your teaching and student learning.

Ready to Learn More? See our Faculty Guide to find answers to your questions about using Hekman Library.

Access for Faculty and Staff Users: Here are a few reminders on how to access library materials at Hekman:

  • Check-out: All you need is your Calvin or Seminary ID to check out items from the library; bring them to the circulation desk and remember to return them by their due date. Most general collection materials from Hekman can be borrowed by Calvin faculty and staff for 6 months with 2 renewals (for more information on loan periods for special collection items, see our Borrowing page). 
  • Login: You can log into your library account and Hekman databases by using your Calvin username and passphrase if you are University-affiliated. If you are Seminary-affiliated, you can log into your library account and Hekman databases by using your Populi username and password.

Guests & Alumni

Open to All! Hekman library is open to the public and welcomes guests from outside the Calvin community (some online resources may not be available, but all are welcome to visit in-person).


Ready to Visit Hekman? Use this library guide for guests and alumni to see more details on how you can make use of Hekman Library.

Access for Guest and Alumni Users: There are a few differences for guest/alumni users when it comes to accessing library materials at Hekman.

  • Wifi: Connecting to the Internet wirelessly in Hekman Library is free for all users. You may connect your device(s) to Calvin Guest using either an existing login from one of your social media accounts or your phone number. Instructions and information can be found on the Information Technology Department web site.
  • Check-out: All you need is your guest library card to check out items from the library; bring them to the circulation desk and remember to return them later by their due date. Most general collection materials from Hekman can be borrowed by guests/alumni for 28 days, although items will be immediately recalled if they're needed by a Calvin student or faculty member. (For more information on loan periods for special collection items, see our Borrowing page.)
  • Login: To login to your account, use your e-mail address as your username and your library card's barcode number as password. (You may also change that password to another of your choice, when prompted in the system.) Note that as of summer 2024, this process has been updated for our new catalog system: if you are having trouble logging in, please contact library staff for assistance.

Note on User Confidentiality

It is illegal for a library worker to reveal personal information about any library patron or to give out information about library materials accessed by any patron, according to Michigan Public Act No. 455, the Library Privacy Act. In conformity with the law, the Library Committee has established the following "Confidentiality of Library Records Policy."

The Hekman Library registration and circulation records are confidential. Registration records include any information the library requires the patron to provide in order to become eligible to borrow materials. Circulation records include all information which identifies a patron as borrowing particular materials. Except in accordance with proper judicial order, no person makes known in any manner information contained in such records. Nothing in this statement, however, prevents the use of such records by authorized institutional personnel in the performance of his or her duties.