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Use Wevers' Institutes
- Download and install DOSBox
An open source DOS emulator from SourceForge.
- Download and unzip Wevers' Institutes to your device:
- Run DOSBox
- Enter the following command into the terminal, replacing
with your computer's username: mount C: C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads
- If your username was
, your command would be
mount C: C:\Users\ab12\Downloads
- You'll find your username by going to your
- Type c:
- Type cd WEVERS~1
- Type 1 of the following commands into the prompt:
- .\ESEARCH.EXE - to search for English words in Calvin's, Institutes
- .\LSEARCH.EXE - to search for Latin words in Calvin's, Institutes
- .\BROWSE.EXE - to browse Calvin's, Institutes