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Children's and Young Adult Literature

Librarian-curated guide for finding and using Children's and Young Adult Literature

What are Graphic Novels?

Graphic novel is the commonly used term to refer to full-length books illustrated mostly or entirely in comics-style panels, but other terms you may hear include cartoons, comics, comic books, manga, bandes dessinees, graphic literature, graphic stories, and sequential art. Comics aren't just about Peanuts in the Sunday paper or slim issues of the latest Ultimate Spiderman; you can find graphic novels in a range of genres, artistic styles, lengths, languages, and target audiences. In Hekman's Graphic Novels collection (3rd floor), you'll find a wide selection to learn more about the art form and read for enjoyment!

Search the Library Catalog for Graphic Novels

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Featured Books About Graphic Novels

Understanding Comics
Heroes & Superheroes
Cambridge History of the Graphic Novel
Graphic Novels in High School and Middle School Classrooms
Critical Directions in Comics Studies

Selected Graphic Novels

Black Panther: World of Wakanda
Courage to Dream: Tales of Hope in the Holocaust
Mockingbird Vol. 2, My Feminist Agenda
Dragon Hoops
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl 5
Black Widow: No More Secrets
Midnighter Apollo
The Sheriff of Babylon