Images created today automatically have copyright protection.You cannot assume you have permission to use images that have been posted on the Internet, even for educational or non-commercial purposes.
When using images, you need to ask:
Use CC Search portal to search sites such as Google Images and Flickr that contain images with Creative Commons (CC) licenses or explore the databases below for more public domain images.
Yes, under these conditions:
Search Hekman Library's catalog to see our film holdings or ask your liaison librarian for more information on our streaming options, and submit your digital reservation request.
First, talk with your liaison librarian to determine whether the film can be purchased on DVD or if it is available on a streaming platform that Hekman Library supports such as Kanopy and Films on Demand (Hekman Library is not subscribed to Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu, etc. and cannot provide access to films on these platforms). If we do not own it or have access through a subscribed streaming platform, you may request that the library purchase a copy/access to a film you need for class.
This is more a matter of ethics than of the law; although it is possible to get away with using illegally shared content without penalty, it is not the most responsible course of action. Also, in such cases, videos can be suddenly taken down, and your video could disappear just as you plan to use it in class.
A PPL is required for more open viewings, such as a workshop or entertainment event open to visitors; no PPL is required when shown to enrolled students in an educational (online or in-person) setting and for a limited time period.
This is technically not permitted by these platforms nor by copyright law, even for educational content, unfortunately. However, some films may be available for purchase or via other streaming services, so always check with your liaison librarian for options.