Weekdays 9am - 4:30pm
From 1857 to 1865 the highest governing body in the denomination was the classical assembly. Once a second classis was formed in 1865, the general assembly was formed to adjudicate questions beyond the scope of the classes. In 1880 the general assembly was renamed the synod. Below is a listing of the meetings of these governing bodies, the location of the meeting, and the officers. The classis met several times per year, while the general assembly/synod met annually or bi-annually.
Learn how the original Dutch minutes were translated into English.
Indices of Synodical Decisions
April - in Holland, MI: Hendrik Klijn, president; Koenraad Vanden Bosch, clerk
Minutes lost (see below for details)
October - in Vriesland, MI: Koenraad Van den Bosch, president; Johannes Gezon, clerk
February - in Grand Rapids, MI: Gijsbert Haan, president; Johannes Gezon, clerk
June - in Noordeloos, MI: Koenraad Vanden Bosch, president; Johannes Gezon, clerk
October - in Graafschap, MI: Koenraad Vanden Bosch, president; Johannes Gezon, clerk
February - in Grand Rapids, MI: Gijsbert Haan, president; Johannes Gezon, clerk
June - in Vriesland, MI: Hendrik W. Dam, president; Johannes Gezon, clerk
October - in Graafschap, MI: Koenraad Vanden Bosch, president; Johannes Gezon, clerk
February - in Grand Rapids, MI: Koenraad Vanden Bosch, president; Johannes Gezon, clerk
June - in Vriesland, MI: Koenraad Vanden Bosch, president; Johannes Gezon, clerk
October - in Graafschap, MI: Koenraad Vanden Bosch, president; Abraham Krabshuis, clerk
February - in Grand Rapids, MI: Koenraad Vanden Bosch, president; Abraham Krabshuis, clerk
April - (special session) – in Grand Rapids, MI: Koenraad Vanden Bosch, president; Adrian Pleune, clerk
June - in Vriesland, MI: Koenraad Vanden Bosch, president; clerk's name not recorded
February – in Graafschap, MI: Koenraad Vanden Bosch, president; clerk's name not recorded
June – in Graafschap, MI: Koenraad Vanden Bosch, president; clerk's name not recorded
October 1862 – in Grand Rapids, MI: Koenraad Vanden Bosch, president; clerk's name not recorded
February – in Graafschap, MI: Koenraad Vanden Bosch, president; Geert Van Tubbergen, clerk
July – in Zeeland, MI: Wilhelmus H. Van Leeuwen, president; Geert Van Tubbergen, clerk
October – in Grand Rapids, MI: Koenraad Vanden Bosch, president; Adrian Pluene, clerk
February – in Graafschap, MI: Wilhelmus H. Van Leeuwen, president; Pieter Heyboer, clerk
June – in Vriesland, MI: Koenraad Vanden Bosch, president; Pieter Heyboer, clerk
August – in Noordeloos, MI: Wilhelmus H. Van Leeuwen, president; Pieter Heyboer, clerk
October – in Graafschap, MI: Koenraad Vanden Bosch, president; Pieter Heyboer, clerk
January – in Zeeland, MI: Douwe J. Van der Werp, president; Pieter Heyboer, clerk
April – in Grand Rapids, MI: Wilhelmus H. Van Leeuwen, president; Pieter Heyboer, clerk
June – in Vriesland, MI: Koenraad Vanden Bosch, president; Pieter Heyboer, clerk
October – in Graafschap, MI: Douwe J. Van der Werp, president; Pieter Heyboer, clerk
1867 General Assembly Minutes PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Douwe J. Van der Werp, president; clerk's name not recorded
1868 General Assembly Minutes PDF
Graafschap, MI: Roelof Duiker, president; Douwe J. Van der Werp, clerk
1869 General Assembly Minutes PDF
Chicago, IL: Koenraad Vanden Bosch, president; Douwe J. Van der Werp, clerk
1870 General Assembly Minutes PDF
Chicago, IL: Willem H. Frieling, president; Frederikus B. Hulst, clerk
1871 General Assembly Minutes PDF
Chicago, IL: Roelof Duiker, president; Douwe J. Van der Werp, vice president; Frederikus B. Hulst, first clerk; Leonard Rietdijk, second clerk
1872 General Assembly Minutes PDF
Chicago, IL: Douwe J. Van der Werp, president; Willem H. Frieling, vice president; Frederikus B. Hulst, first clerk; Leonard Rietdijk, second clerk
1873 General Assembly Minutes PDF
Chicago, IL: Koenraad Van den Bosch, president; Hendrik Baron, vice president; Frederikus B. Hulst, first clerk; Leonard Rietdijk, second clerk
1874 General Assembly Minutes PDF
Chicago, IL: Douwe J. Van der Werp, president; Willem H. Frieling, vice president; Leonard Rietdijk, first clerk; Jacob Noordewier, second clerk
1875 General Assembly Minutes PDF
Chicago, IL: Willem H. Frieling, president; Gerrit E. Boer, vice president; Wilhelmus H. Van Leeuwen, first clerk; Leonard Rietdijk, second clerk
Chicago, IL: Gerrit E. Boer, president; Leonard Rietdijk, vice president; Jacob Noordewier, first clerk; Wilhelmus H. Van Leeuwen, second clerk
1877 General Assembly Minutes PDF
Chicago, IL: Willem H. Frieling, president; Leonard Rietdijk, vice president; Jacob Noordewier, first clerk; Wilhelmus H. Van Leeuwen, second clerk
1878 General Assembly Minutes PDF
Chicago, IL: John Kremer, president; Kooenraad Vanden Bosch, vice president; Jacob Noordewier, first clerk; Leonard Rietdijk, second clerk
1879 General Assembly Minutes PDF
Chicago, IL: Leonard Rietdijk, president; Gerrit K. Hemkes, vice president; Jacob Noordewier, first clerk; Geert H. Hoeksema, second clerk
Chicago, IL: Roelof T. Kuiper, president; Willem H. Frieling, vice president; Gerrit K. Hemkes, first clerk; Jacob Noordewier, second clerk
1881 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1881 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
Grand Rapids, MI: Leonard Rietdijk, president; Willem H. Frieling, vice president; Gerrit K. Hemkes, first clerk; Roelof T. Kuiper, second clerk
1882 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1882 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
Grand Rapids, MI: Willem H. Frieling, president; Jan H. Vos, vice president; Gerrit K. Hemkes, first clerk; Jacob Noordewier, second clerk
1883 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1883 Acts of Synod PDF (English Translation)
Grand Rapids, MI: Jan H. Vos, president; Roelof T. Kuiper, vice-president; Gerrit K. Hemkes, first clerk; Leonard Rietdijk, second clerk
1884 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1884 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
Grand Rapids, MI: Lammert J. Hulst, president; Leonard Rietdijk, vice-president; Gerrit K. Hemkes, first clerk; Jacob Noordewier, second clerk
1886 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1886 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
Grand Rapids, MI: Leonard Rietdijk, president; Roelof Duiker, vice-president; Peter Schut, first clerk; Jacob Noordewier, second clerk
1888 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1888 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
1888 Agenda PDF (original Dutch)
Grand Rapids, MI: Evert Bos, president; Jacob Noordewier, vice-president; Peter Schut, first clerk; John Post, second clerk
1890 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1890 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
1890 Agenda PDF (original Dutch)
Grand Rapids, MI: Lammert J. Hulst, president; Roelof T. Kuiper, vice-president; Andrew Keizer, first clerk; John Riemersma, second clerk
1892 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1892 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
1892 Agenda PDF (original Dutch)
Grand Rapids, MI: Andrew Keizer, president; Jan H. Vos, vice-president; John Riemersma, first clerk; Gabriel D. De Jong, second clerk
1894 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1894 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
1894 Agenda PDF (original Dutch)
Grand Rapids, MI: Klaas Kuiper, president; Jacob Noordewier, vice-president; William W. Heyns, first clerk; Peter Schut, second clerk
1896 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1896 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
1896 Agenda PDF (original Dutch)
Grand Rapids, MI: Andrew Keizer, president; Jacob Manni, vice-president; John B. Hoekstra, first clerk; William W. Heyns, second clerk
1898 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1898 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
1898 Agenda PDF (original Dutch)
Grand Rapids, MI: Jacob Manni, president; Gabriel D. De Jong, vice-president; William W. Heyns, first clerk; Peter Ekster, second clerk
1900 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1900 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
1900 Agenda PDF (original Dutch)
Grand Rapids, MI: Andrew Keizer, president; Evert Breen, vice-president; Foppe M. Ten Hoor, first clerk; John W. Brink, second clerk
1902 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1902 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
1902 Agenda PDF (original Dutch)
Holland, MI: Gabriel D. De Jong, president; Evert Breen, vice-president; John B. Hoekstra, first clerk; Peter Ekster, second clerk
1904 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1904 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
1904 Agenda PDF (original Dutch)
Holland, MI: Evert Breen, president; Johannes Groen, vice-president; Henry Beets, first clerk; Marinus Van Vessem, second clerk
1906 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1906 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
1906 Agenda PDF (original Dutch)
Holland, MI: Hendrik Van Hoogen, president; Louis Berkhof, vice-president; John W. Brink, first clerk; John H. Hoekstra, second clerk
1908 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1908 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
1908 Agenda PDF (original Dutch)
Muskegon, MI: Jacob Manni, president; Idzerd Van Dellen, vice-president; Henry Beets, first clerk; Marinus Van Vessem, second clerk
1910 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1910 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
1910 Agenda PDF (original Dutch)
Muskegon, MI John W. Brink, president; Johannes Groen, vice-president; Marinus Van Vessem, first clerk; William Stuart, second clerk
1912 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1912 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
1912 Agenda PDF (original Dutch)
Chicago, IL: Andrew Keizer, president; Idzerd Van Dellen, vice-president; John B. Hoekstra, first clerk; John Timmermann, second clerk
1914 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1914 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
1914 Agenda PDF (original Dutch)
Chicago, IL: Jacob Manni, president; William Stuart, vice-president; Marinus Van Vessem, first clerk; Herman M. Vander Ploeg, second clerk
1916 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1916 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
1916 Agenda PDF (original Dutch)
Grand Rapids, MI: Andrew Keizer, president; William P. Van Wyk, vice-president; John B. Hoekstra, first clerk; Edward J. Tuuk, second clerk
1918 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1918 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
1918 Agenda PDF (original Dutch)
Grand Rapids, MI: Idzerd Van Dellen, president; Herman M. Vander Ploeg, vice-president; William Stuart, first clerk; William D. Vander Werp, second clerk
1920 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1920 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
1920 Agenda PDF (original Dutch)
Grand Rapids, MI: William P. Brink, president; Henry Beets, vice-president; Henry Keegstra, first clerk; Herman M. Vander Ploeg, second clerk
1922 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1922 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
1922 Agenda PDF (original Dutch)
Orange City, IA: Jacob Manni, president; Gabriel D. De Jong, vice-president; Henry Keegstra, first clerk; Peter A. Hoekstra, second clerk
1924 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1924 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
1924 Agenda PDF (original Dutch)
Kalamazoo, MI: Idzerd Van Dellen, president; Ymen P. De Jong, vice-president; Daniel Zwier, first clerk; John Dolfin, second clerk
1926 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1926 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
1926 Agenda PDF (original Dutch)
Chicago, IL: William P. Van Wijk, president; Henry Keegstrsa, vice-president; George W. Hylkema, first clerk; Daniel Zwier, second clerk
1928 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1928 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
Holland, MI: Henry Keegstra, president; Henry J. Kuiper, vice-president; Daniel Zwier, first clerk; John Dolfin, second clerk
1930 Acts of Synod PDF (original Dutch)
1930 Acts of Synod PDF (English translation)
1930 Agenda Hymns PDF (English)
1930 Agenda Part 1 PDF (English)
1930 Agenda Part 2 PDF (English)
Grand Rapids, MI: William P. Brink, president; Henry Beets, vice-president; Henry Keegstra, first clerk; Herman M. Vander Ploeg, second clerk
Grand Rapids, MI: Idzerd Van Dellen, Henry J. Kuiper, vice-president; Daniel Zwier, first clerk; George W. Hylkema, second clerk
Grand Rapids, MI: William P. Van Wijk, president; Herman Kuiper, vice-president; Daniel Zwier, first clerk; John M. Vande Kieft, second clerk
Grand Rapids, MI: Henry J. Kuiper, president; Herman Bel, vice-president; Daniel Zwier, first clerk; Gerrit K. Hemkes, second clerk
Grand Rapids, MI: Henry J. Kuiper, president; Herman Bel, vice-president; Daniel Zwier, first clerk; Gerrit K. Hemkes, second clerk
Grand Rapids, MI: Idzerd Van Dellen, president; Edward J. Tanis, vice-president; Daniel Zwier, first clerk; John M. Vande Kieft, second clerk
Grand Rapids, MI: Watson Groen, president; John J. Hiemenga, vice-president; Daniel Zwier, first clerk; John Gritter, second clerk
1940 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Watson Groen, president; Ymen P. De Jong, vice-president; Daniel Zwier, first clerk; John M. Vande Kieft, second clerk
1941 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Nicholas J. Monsma, president; George Goris, vice-president; Daniel Zwier, first clerk; Henry Keegstra, second clerk
1942 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Herman Bel, president; Herman Kuiper, vice-president; Emo F. J. Van Halsema, first clerk; John Breuker, second clerk
1943 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Gerrit Hoeksema, president; William H. Rutgers, vice-president; Ralph J. Danhof, first clerk; Lambertus J. Lamberts, second clerk
1944 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Gerrit Hoeksema, president; George Goris, vice-president; Ralph J. Danhof, first clerk; Edward J. Tanis, second clerk
1945 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Martin Monsma, president; William Kok, vice-president; John Breuker, first clerk; Peter G. Holwerda, second clerk
1946 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Herman Kuiper, president; Martin Monsma, vice-president; George Goris, first clerk; Lambertus Van Laar, second clerk
1947 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Emo F.J. Van Halsema, John Gritter, vice-president; Peter G. Holwerda, first clerk; John Weidenaar, second clerk
1948 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Henry Baker, president; John Weidenaar, vice-president; William Haverkamp, first clerk; Henry J. Evenhouse, second clerk
1949 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Emo F. J. Van Halsema, president; Nicholas J. Monsma, vice-president; Peter G. Holwerda, first clerk; John Breuker, second clerk
1950 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Martin Monsma, president; John Gritter, vice-president; Henry J. Evenhouse, first clerk; Ralph Bronkema, second clerk
1951 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Henry Baker, president; Martin Monsma, vice-president; William Haverkamp, first clerk; John Gritter, second clerk
1952 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Herman Bel, president; William Kok, vice-president; Peter G. Holwerda, first clerk; Peter Van Tuinen, second clerk
1953 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Emo F.J. Van Halsema, president; George Goris, vice-president; John Gritter, first clerk; John Breuker, second clerk
1954 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Herman Bel, president; Nicholas J. Monsma, vice-president; Peter Van Tuinen, first clerk; John W. C. Ehlers, second clerk
1955 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Henry Baker, president; Henry Baker, vice-president; William Haverkamp, first clerk; John C. Verbrugge, second clerk
1956 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Herman Bel, president; John Vander Ploeg, vice-president; Peter G. Holwerda, first clerk; R. Tolsma, second clerk
1957 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Nicholas J. Monsma, president; John Gritter, vice-president; John Breuker, first clerk; John T. Holwerda, second clerk
1958 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Tenis C. Van Kooten, president; William Haverkamp, vice-president; Peter Van Tuinen, first clerk; Hero Bratt, second clerk
1959 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: John Gritter, president; John C. Verbrugge, vice-president; Peter G. Holwerda, first clerk; Peter Y. De Jong, second clerk
1960 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Tenis C. Van Kooten, president; William H. Rutgers, vice-president; George Gritter, first clerk; William P. Brink, second clerk
1961 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: William Haverkamp, president; Adam Persenaire, vice-president; Richard J. Frens, first clerk; Hero Bratt, second clerk
1962 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: John C. Verbrugge, president; Peter Holwerda, vice-president; Paul G. Schrotenboer, first clerk; Raymond Holwerda, second clerk
1963 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: William Haverkamp, president; Henry Vander Kam, vice-president; Peter Van Tuinen, first clerk; John Vriend, second clerk
1964 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Peter Y. De Jong, president; John Gritter, vice-president; Richard J. Frens, first clerk; Bastiaan Nederlof, second clerk
1965 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Sioux Center, IA: William Haverkamp, president; John Verbrugge, vice-president; Lawrence Veltkamp, first clerk; John Vriend, second clerk
1966 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Pella, IA: William P. Brink, president; Henry Vander Kam, vice-president; John Vriend, first clerk; Arnold Brink, second clerk
1967 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: William Haverkamp, president; Henry Vander Kam, vice-president; John Vriend, first clerk; John T. Holwerda, second clerk
1968 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: John C. Verbrugge, president; Tenis C. Van Kooten, vice-president; Bastiaan Nederlof, first clerk; John A. De Kruyter, second clerk
1969 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: William P. Brink, president; Henry Vander Kam, vice-president; Arnold Brink, first clerk; Henry R. De Bolster, second clerk
1970 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Henry De Mots, president; Marinus Goote, vice-president; Bastiaan Nederlof, first clerk; John A. Mulder, second clerk
1971 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: George Gritter, president; Peter M. Jonker, vice-president; Arnold Brink, first clerk; Andrew H. Kuyvenhoven, second clerk
1972 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Clarence Boomsma, president; William Haverkamp, vice-president; Bastiaan Nederlof, first clerk; Raymond Holwerda, second clerk
1973 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Leonard Greenway, president; John Vriend, vice-president; John A. De Kruyter, first clerk; Howard B. Spaan, second clerk
1974 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: George Gritter, president; John C. Verbrugge, vice-president; Bastiaan Nederlof, first clerk; John Vanden Berg, second clerk
1975 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Clarence Boomsma, president; Jacob Vos, vice-president; Oliver Breen, first clerk; Martin Geleynse, second clerk
1976 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Henry Vander Kam, president; William Vander Haak, vice-president; Louis M. Tamminga, first clerk; Hero Bratt, second clerk
1977 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Bastiaan Nederlof, president; Perter Y. De Jong, vice-president; Louis M. Tamminga, first clerk; Leonard J. Hofman, second clerk
1978 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Clarence Boomsma, president; Andrew H. Kuyvenhoven, vice-president; Howard B. Spaan, first clerk; Alvin H. Vennema, second clerk
1979 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Leonard J. Hofman, president; Bastiaan Nederlof, vice-president; Louis M. Tamminga, first clerk; Henry Vander Kam, second clerk
1980 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Jacob D. Eppinga, president; Calvin H. Bolt, vice-president; Martin D. Geleynse, first clerk; Edward J. Knott, second clerk
1981 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: John A. De Kruyter, president; John H. Bergsma, vice-president; Milton R. Doornbos, first clerk; Martin D. Geleynse, second clerk
1982 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Clarence Boomsma, president; Nichaolas B. Knoppers, vice-president; Leonard J. Hofman, first clerk; Harry G. Arnold, second clerk
1983 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Jacob D. Eppinga, president; Calvin H. Bolt, vice-president; Jack B. Vos, first clerk; Morris N. Breidanus, second clerk
1984 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Roger E. Van Harn, president; Hans Uittenbosch, vice-president; Howard B. Spaan, first clerk; Jack J. Reiffer, second clerk
1985 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Calvin H. Bolt, president; Peter W. Brouwer, vice-president; William D. Buursma, first clerk; Jack Westerhof, second clerk
1986 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Jacob D. Eppinga, president; Bastiaan Nederlof, vice-president; Milton R. Doornbos, first clerk; Lugene A. Bazuin, second clerk
1987 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Calvin Bolt, president; Jack B. Vos, vice-president; Morris N Greidanus, first clerk; Peter W. Brouwer, second clerk
1988 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Calvin H. Bolt, president; Howard D. Vanderwell, vice-president; Peter W. Brouwer, first clerk; Henry Wildeboer, second clerk
1989 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Calvin H. Bolt, president; James R. Kok, vice-president; Morris N. Greidanus, first clerk; Harry G. Arnold, second clerk
1990 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Howard D. Vanderwell, president; Roger E. Van Harn, vice-president; Peter Borgdorff, first clerk; Henry Wildeboer, second clerk
1991 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Sioux Center, IA: Calvin H. Bolt, president; Jack B. Vos, vice-president; Morris N. Greidanus, first clerk; Peter W. Brouwer, second clerk
1992 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Howard D. Vanderwell, president; Jack B. Vos, vice-president; Peter W. Brouwer, first clerk; James R. Kok, second clerk
1993 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Peter W. Brouwer, president; Roger E. Van Harn, vice-president; Morris N. Greidanus, first clerk; Stanley P. Mast, second clerk
1994 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Calvin H. Bolt, president; James R. Kok, vice-president; Carl E. Zylstra, first clerk; Wayne A. Brouwer, second clerk
1995 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Calvin H. Bolt, president; Jack B. Vos, vice-president; Howard D. Vanderwell, first clerk; William Robert Godfrey, second clerk
1996 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: John G. Van Ryn, president; Gordon H. Pols, vice-president; Kenneth D. Koeman, first clerk; Henry Admiraal, second clerk
1997 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Michael De Vries, president; Wayne A. Brouwer, vice-president; George Vandervelde, first clerk; Norman L. Meyer, second clerk
1998 Agenda and Acts of Synod PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Howard D. Vanderwell, president; Jack B. Vos, vice-president; Stanley J. Koster, first clerk; Peter Nicolai, second clerk
Ancaster, ON: Wayne A. Brouwer, president; Stanely P. Mast, vice-president; George Vandervelde, first clerk; Henry P. Kranenberg, second clerk
Grand Rapids, MI: Michael De Vries, president; Norman L. Meyer, vice-president; Henry J. Baron, first clerk; Jack Westerhof, second clerk
Grand Rapids, MI: Morris N. Greidanus, president; Joel R. Boot, vice-president; Donald Dykstra, first clerk; Henry Numan, second clerk
Grand Rapids, MI: Norman L. Meyer, president; Gordon H. Pols, vice-president; Arie G. Van Eek, first clerk; Gerard L. Dykstra, second clerk
Sioux Center, IA: Wayne A. Brouwer, president; John L. Witvliet, vice-president; Donald Dykstra, first clerk; Henry P. Krannenberg, second clerk
Grand Rapids, MI: Joel R. Boot, president; Emmett A. Harrison, vice-president; William T. Koopmans, first clerk; Wayne A. Brouwer, second clerk
Palos Heights, IL: Wayne A. Brouwer, president; Stanely P. Mast, vice-president; Gordon H. Pols, first clerk; Donald Dykstra, second clerk
Grand Rapids, MI: W. Wayne Leys, president; William C. Veenstra, vice-president; William B. Weidenaar, first clerk; Cecil Van Niejenhuis, second clerk
Grand Rapids, MI: Joel R. Boot, president; Cecil Van Niejenhuis, vice-president; Henry J. Baron, first clerk; Jake Kuipers, second clerk
Grand Rapids, MI: Joel R. Boot, president; Thea N. Leunk, vice-president; Leslie J. Kuiper, first clerk; Laryn G. Zoerhof, second clerk
Palos Heights, IL: William T. Koopmans, president; Sheila E. Holmes, vice-president; Donald Dykstra, first clerk; William Veenstra, second clerk
Palos Heights, IL: Aldon L. Kuiper, president; Peter Slofstra, vice-president; William Verhoef, first clerk; Wendy Gritter, second clerk
Grand Rapids, MI: James C. Dekker, president; George G. Vink, vice-president; Bert Slofstra, first clerk; Sheila E. Holmes, second clerk
Ancaster, ON: Leslie J. Kuiper, president; Bruce A. Persenaire, vice-president; Thea N. Leunk, first clerk; Martin Bosveld, second clerk
Grand Rapids, MI: William T. Koopmans, president; Reginald Smith, vice-president; Loren J. Velthuizen, first clerk; William Verhoef, second clerk
Pella, IA: R. Scott Greenway, president; Jake Kuipers, vice-president; John Tenyenhuis, first clerk; Jerome Burton, second clerk
Sioux Center, IA: Bruce Persenaire, president; William Veenstra, vice-president; Bonny Mulder-Behnia, first clerk; Stanley Jim, second clerk
2016 Summary of Proposed Ecumenical Categories PDF
Summary of Synod 2016 to Churches PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Paul R. DeVries, president; José Rayas, vice-president; Bert Slofstra, first clerk; Elsa Fennema, second clerk
Letter Regarding Summary of Synod 2017 to Churches PDF
Palos Heights, IL: Rev. Cornelius Pool, president; Rev. Thea N. Leunk, vice president; Mr. Rudy Gonzalez, first clerk; Rev. Ed W. Visser, second clerk
Letter Regarding Summary of Synod 2018 to Churches PDF
Grand Rapids, MI: Dr. Roger S. Greenway, president; Rev. Elizabeth A. Vander Haagen, vice president; Rev. Mary-Lee Bouma, first clerk; Dr. Calvin Hoogendoorn, second clerk
Summary of Synod 2019 for Councils PDF
2019 Synod Decision Regarding Ministry Shares
Grand Rapids, MI: Dr. William T. Koopmans, president; Rev. Thea N. Leunk, vice president; Rev. José Rayas, first clerk; Ms. Melissa Van Dyk, second clerk
Synod did not take place as planned in 2020 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Instead, a special meeting of the Council of Delegates met via Zoom teleconference to discuss a portion of the agenda.
2020 -2021 Deferred Agenda PDF
2021 Reports of Ministries and Institutions PDF
2021 Summary of Special Meeting of Council of Delegates PDF
2021 Summary of Special Meeting of Council of Delegates PDF (Korean translation)
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021 Synod met via teleconference.
2022 Summary of Synod for Councils PDF
2022 Summary of Synod for Councils PDF (Korean translation)
Grand Rapids, MI: Rev. José Rayas, president; Rev. Derek Buikema, vice president; Rev. Aaron J. Vriesman, first clerk; Ms. Luann D. Sankey, second clerk
Grand Rapids, MI: Rev. Paul R. De Vries, president; Rev. Chad M. Steenwyk, vice president; Rev. Henry P. Kranenburg, first clerk; Rev. Richard A. Bodini, second clerk
Grand Rapids, MI: Rev. Derek Buikema, president; Rev. Stephen F. Terpstra, vice president; Rev. Joshua M. Christoffels, first clerk; Rev. Daniel De Graff, second clerk
Official Name of the Church:
Holland Reformed Church, 1859-1861.
Ware Hollandsche Gereformeerde Kerk (True Dutch Reformed Church), 1861-1880
Hollandsche Christelijke Gerformeerde Kerk (Dutch Christian Reformed Church), 1880.
Official Name of the Highest Assembly:
Classicale Vergadering (Classis), 1857-1865.
Algemeene Vergadering (General Assembly), 1865-1879.
Synodale Vergadering (Synod), 1880.
Since the denomination completed the change from Dutch to English in 1932, the 1936 Synod of the Christian Reformed Church in North America authorized the translation of its minutes into English. In 1865, with the creation of a second classis, the General Assembly (“Algemeene Vergadering”) became the highest ecclesiastical assembly of the denomination. Since some matters during the first years following the creation of the General Assembly were also dealt with at the classical level, this translation contains minutes from both for those years. The minutes of the first classical meeting, held in April 1857, were lost when that session’s presiding officer, Rev. Hendrik G. Klyn, returned to the Reformed Church in America.
The first translation was overseen by a committee headed by professor Clarence Bouma, of Calvin Theological Seminary, in 1937. The actual translation seems to have been done by a number of individuals. The originals were not transcribed nor was the original pagination maintained. In 1999 because the accuracy of the translation varied, probably reflecting individual translators, the Historical Committee of the Christian Reformed Church deemed it advisable to make the translation more consistent. Initial efforts indicated that starting from the original manuscripts would be more effective than editing the 1937 translation. Further advantages of doing so allowed a transcription of the original Dutch to be set in the left column and the English translation on the right, and the original pagination maintained.
Hendrick K. Harms transcribed the original handwritten Dutch into a digital, word processing format. Richard H. Harms translated this set, and that translation was proofread by Boukje Leegwater. All three are native-speakers of Dutch who now live in West Michigan. Additions in the text are indicated in square brackets and all footnotes were added.
Historical Committee of the Christian Reformed Church
© 2000