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Origins is designed to publicize and advance the objective of the Archives. These goals include the gathering, organization, and study of historical materials produced by the day-to-day activities of the Christian Reformed Church, its institutions, communities and people .
A subject index to articles in Origins is available via the CRC Periodical Index of several periodicals, maintained by the staff of the Hekman Library. To limit your search in this database to Origins material select it in the "Publication" box. A hard copy index of the first twenty years is available in the Fall 2003 issue.
Volumes from 2015-present are available only in hard copy from Heritage Hall.
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DeJong, James A., Henry J. Kuiper: Shaping the Christian Reformed Church, 1907-1962. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2007. ($22.00)
Dutch-American Historical Commission. Sites of Dutch Influence in Western Michigan: An Illustrated Tour Guide. 1996. ($4.00)
Harms, Richard H., ed., Historical Directory of the Christian Reformed Church (Grand Rapids, Mich.: The Historical Committee of the Christian Reformed Church, 2004), ($20.00)
Information about:
1,415 ministries
2,773 ministers
chaplains, evangelists
specialized ministers
mission field workers
synods, classes
and more
Hinte, Jacob van, Netherlanders in America: A Study of Emigration and Settlement in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries in the United States of America; (Grand Rapids, Mich.: The Historical Committee of the Christian Reformed Church, 2003) 2 vols. in 1. Translation of: Nederlanders in Amerika, een Studie over Landverhuizers en Volkplanters in de 19e en 20ste Eeuw in de Vereenigde Staten van Amerika. Groningen: P. Noordhoff, 1928. ($24.95 - retail price is $39.95)
Kuiper, R.T., A Voice From America About America. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Heritage Hall Publications, n.d. ($5.00)
Ryskamp, Henry. Harry Boonstra, ed. Offering Hearts, Shaping Lives: A History of Calvin College 1876-1966. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Calvin Alumni Association,
c2000. ($10.00)
Sweetman, Leonard, ed. From Heart to Heart: Letters from the Rev. Albertus Christiaan Van Raalte to His Wife, Christina Johanna Van Raalte-De Moen, 1836-1847. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Heritage Hall Publications, 1997. ($5.00)