Covers 1,700 journal titles published worldwide and includes article citations and book/media reviews of special interest to historians of United States and Canadian history and related fields.
Historical Abstracts is the definitive index of literature covering world history (excluding the United States and Canada) from the 15th century to the present. Indexing thousands of journals in over 40 languages, it is an invaluable bibliographic database for history students. Topics include military history, women’s history, history of education, and much more.
JSTOR is a database consisting of full-text articles from scholarly, peer-reviewed journals from nearly every discipline taught at Calvin. Coverage for each journal begins with the first volume, with coverage ending for most titles three and five years ago. A growing number of journals now have coverage up to the present.
Covers U.S. and world history topics and features historical reference books, magazines and thousands of primary source documents.
The standard source for statistical data on U. S. History, with data sets on topics ranging from migration and health to crime and the Confederate States of America. Includes essays placing the data in historical context.
H-Net Reviews is the largest online professional reviewing archive, with thousands of scholarly reviews for books in the Humanities and Social Sciences, offered under Creative Commons licensing, commissioned by professional review editors, written, edited, copyedited, and published in an original online system, cataloged by the Library of Congress, and available on web, email, and in PDF.
Here's a reminder of how to get started searching for journal articles using Hekman's Primo search.