This guide will give you an introduction to our library's general reference collection. (It does not include information about the Theological Reference Collection.) Reference books help with introductions and overviews of a topic, and our collection has books on every subject taught at Calvin. Reference books may be checked out of the library for a limited time.
The reference collection contains atlases, bibliographies, biographical sources, subject encyclopedias, books of facts, directories, language dictionaries, and more. These books generally contain many short entries that provide summaries, definitions, illustrations, directions, and quick facts. You won't read them from cover to cover but instead select one entry on a topic
Oxford Reference Online is the home of Oxford’s quality reference publishing, bringing together over 2 million entries, many of which are illustrated, into a single cross-searchable resource. The Hekman Library has purchased 70+ reference titles, and they span all subject areas, with strengths in the humanities.
SAGE Knowledge hosts full-text reference e-books.
When you search this database, take note of the feature "Refine by Availability" and then toggle on "available to me." This will give you access only to the full-text content that the library has purchased.
Gale eBooks is a collection of authoritative ebooks, encyclopedias, and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. Individual titles may be searched by logging into the database and then narrowing to a specific title.
EBSCOhost eBook Collection is a wide-ranging multi-subject platform of ebooks covering everything from literary criticism to cybersecurity. Originally known as NetLibrary, this database has been combined with many others and relaunched under its new name. Also contained as subsets of this larger collection are the resources: eBook Academic Collection (EBSCO) and eBook Business Collection (EBSCO).
EBSCOhost eBook Collection is provided free of charge to all Michigan libraries, schools, and residents. This set of over 200,000 ebooks consists of multiple smaller collections, including: Biography Reference eBook Collection, Consumer Health Reference eBook Collection, eBook Academic Collection, eBook Business Collection, eBook Collection, eBook High School Collection, eBook K-8 Collection, eBook Public Library Collection, Literary Reference eBook Collection, MAS Reference eBook Collection, MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection, Middle Search Reference eBook Collection, Primary Search Reference eBook Collection, Science Reference eBook Collection.
You may also want to try ProQuest Ebook Central if you can’t find what you are looking for.
SpringerLink is an integrated full-text database for journals and books published by Springer. Disciplines covered include: architecture & design, biomedical sciences, business & management, chemistry, earth sciences & geography, economics, education & language, engineering, environmental sciences, food science & nutrition, medicine, philosophy, physics, psychology, public health, and social sciences.
SpringerLink is an integrated full-text database for journals and books published by Springer. The database contains over 10 million scientific documents.
Among the many disciplines covered are: architecture & design, biomedical sciences, business & management, chemistry, earth sciences & geography, economics, education & language, engineering, environmental sciences, food science & nutrition, medicine, philosophy, physics, psychology, public health, and social sciences.
Not all documents are accessible in full text to the Calvin community. We suggest that when you are seeking full text articles, you do not select "include preview-only content." That will limit to the collection that the Hekman Library has purchased access to.
Students know from experience how valuable Wikipedia can be when looking for quick background information about almost any topic. However, professors and librarians often say that Wikipedia articles should not be cited in papers. One reason for this has to do with the function of reference works. Encyclopedias typically provide only basic background information and not in-depth analysis. Other professors may disagree and say that some encyclopedia articles may be cited. Reference works vary greatly in nature, with some having more detail, context, and analysis than others. For example, the Smithsonian’s multi-volume Handbook of the North American Indian (print) and the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (online) are works of scholarship. If you get more than basic information from an encyclopedia or other reference work, you should consider citing it.
Perhaps the best advice is that Wikipedia can be useful as a starting point for many topics, especially obscure ones or those with a niche interest. Some articles are rich in detail, context, analysis, references, and suggestions for further reading. A rough rule of thumb, perhaps, is to be wary of articles on controversial or popular topics such as the Holocaust, but more trusting of articles on people, events, artistic works, social movements, etc., that you may not find in-depth anywhere else. A good example of a richly detailed Wikipedia article that engages the scholarly conversation is the one on the “American Frontier.” In some cases, Wikipedia articles will be as rich in detail and analysis as specialized works.
Wikipedia is a bit like "The Wild West" of scholarship. So, let the buyer beware!
(The text and ideas in this section come from Will Katerberg, Professor of History and Curator of Heritage Hall at Calvin University).