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Religion and Theology Guide

Librarian-curated research guide for Religion and Theology resources.

Featured Books for Religion and Theology

Scapegoats: The Gospel through the Eyes of Victims
Scripture's Grand Story through the Old Testament
Postcolonial Politics and Theology
The Covenant Theology of Jonathan Edwards
Faith, hope, and sustainability
The church in sickness and in health

Special Resource: Calvin Dissertations and Theses

Looking for our seminary dissertations and theses? Calvin Theological Seminary Th.M. theses and Ph.D. dissertations are available in print in the library (look for call number area BV4070.C2842 on the 4th floor). Also, abstracts and some full text for Ph.D. dissertations are available through the index linked here, arranged alphabetically by author. Please observe copyright regulations in using material in dissertations and theses.

Calvin Theological Seminary Th.M. theses are also available for purchase in print, microfiche, and electronic formats at very reasonable prices from the Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN). Just limit your search to "Calvin Theological Seminary", and search by subject, author, or title.

Looking for ebooks?

Follow these instructions to find ebooks through the library's Primo discovery tool, or ask a librarian for more help anytime.