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CRCNA's Human Sexuality Report

Librarian-curated resource guide to the report of the CRCNA Synod-approved (2016) Committee to Articulate a Foundation-laying Biblical Theology of Human Sexuality.

Church and Classis Overtures

NOTE: Materials listed are presented to facilitate debate and dialogue. Linking to documents does not indicate approval or agreement with all documents by the leadership or office-bearers of the Christian Reformed Church in North America and its churches, Calvin Theological Seminary, or Calvin University. 

As the heading indicates, the documents below are overtures from individual CRC congregations or CRC classes and that are publicly available. This list is not exhaustive as there may be overtures from individual churches or classes that are not posted here because they are not available readily (e.g. behind a password wall) or have not yet been known to the guide curator. The guide curator will endeavor to accurately reflect a document's status.  Documents are arranged generally in a semi-chronological order from most recent to oldest.