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Research Resources 101

Librarian-created information guide on different types of library tools and research sources


Reviews are short articles written specifically to summarize and rate a book, film, other media, or performance. These are useful for helping scholars to get more information and evaluate a specific source for research or to look at the reception of a particular event. In a scholarly database, these reviews may have titles like other research articles, but if you look at the record information or compare their content, you can usually find labels defining it as a review. Reviews may be found through some journals, magazines, or databases at Hekman which collect reviews, such as the ones listed below, and you may request others through MeL/ILL. 

  • Pros: short articles ; helpful for evaluating a source ; helpful for finding out info and the reception of an event, specifically film, music, or theater ; available online and in print
  • Cons: summary over details ; not every source/event has had a review ; only evaluates a source, no original research or discussion
  • Scholarly or Non? Reviews of other research resources can be scholarly when they come from peer-reviewed journals or databases, but they are not a substitute for the sources they evaluate - they can just point us to good books and studies to include in our bibliographies. Reviews of events or performances, however, may be essential sources for historical or recent research; these reviews are more often published through popular magazines or websites, which can have a high standard of writing and reporting, but are not necessarily scholarly unless they also have peer-reviewed or refereed processes for publication. 

How to Find Book Reviews

You can try searching these specific databases, and also in many other databases, just limit your search to source/content type for "Reviews." 

Video Tutorial: How to Find Book Reviews

Film and Theater Reviews

Some of the larger review sources listed above may include reviews for film and performances, such as the New York Times or NPR. Below are some other review journals, sites, indexes, and databases: