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Disability Studies: A Student Success Guide

Librarian-curated guide to resources and information on disabilities topics, from Student Success

What are Learning Disabilities?

Learning Disabilities are neurologically-based disorders in learning, generally involving difficulty with either input (auditory and visual perception), integration (sequencing, abstraction, and organization), memory (working, short-term, and long-term), output (expressive language) or motor skills (fine and gross motor); crucially, learning disabilities are not intellectual impairments but rather is tied to the brain's improper processing of information (taken from Learning Disabilities Association of America People may manifest learning disabilities in varying degrees and struggle with different learning tasks - some of the most common learning disabilities are dyslexia (difficulty with reading and comprehension), dyscalculia (difficulty with mathematical concepts), dysgraphia (difficulty with writing, in motor control and/or expression), and other processing deficits.

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